
The film I watched this week was Warrior, witch was directed by  Gavin O'Connor who you may know from Pride And Glory and Tumbleweeds. Gavin was also one of the writers of Warrior along with Anthony Tambakie and Cliff Dorfman.

Ok so lets have a quick re-cap of the story-line shall we. When Tommy Colon, an ex-marine, and the youngest son to an alcoholic former boxer returns home to Pittsburgh. When he hears about this mixed martial arts (MMA) competition called Sparta, he decides to go to the man who trained him when he was a child, his father. Unfortunately Sparta out the fighter on a collision course with his estranged older brother.

Ok shall we start with the dad of these two men Paddy Colon who is played by Nick Nolte who you may know from his work on Cape Fear and The Thin Red Line. Paddy Colon was a serious alcoholic
when his kids was younger and he was extremely abusive to his wife, even in fount of the children. The only thing that Paddy knows how to do is, 1 drink and 2 how to train fighters because in his hay day he was a very good boxer. But at some point his wife got enough courage to leave with her youngest child Tommy and they did ask the Eldest so Brendan but he had a girlfriend and he wanted to stay with her. When Tommy and his wife left thats when he decided that he needs to get his life together not just for his family but for himself, so he decides to get sober. When Tommy comes home he is 1000 days sober.

Ok so lets talk about Tommy Colon. Tommy is played by the very talented and seems to be in everything mister Tom Hardy. Who you may know from his work on Child 44 (witch I've wrote
about) and also Mad Max: Fury Road (witch I've also wrote about). So Tommy Colon is Paddys youngest son and was the golden boy in his fathers eyes, but when Tommy was young he saw the abuse that his father dolled out on his mother and left with her, unfortunately she was really sick and he looked after her in till the day that she died, which is when he decided to join the marines. Where he ended up leaving after an accident kills his platoon and he just leaves as he cant deal with the guilt any more. When he returns home to Pittsburgh he doesn't know any one, he doesn't talk to any of his family but he goes and sees his dad paddy but that doesn't go down that well. The next day he goes into town to a old gym that he knows, but its all changed but he joins anyway and gives his fathers address for the forms. As he is working out he sees a MMA fighter in the ring and the fighter goes through in sparing buddy really fast and he says he can keep the guy warm in till some one comes into to take the place of the other guy. When he steps into the ring he knows that he has a bit of an advantage over the guy as he fought as a teen and in the marines and knocks the guy out cold. But he didnt know that someone was recording and the video goes viral, and then he hears about Sparta.

And last but no means least we have Tommys older brother Branden Conlon who is played by Joel Edgerton  you may know from
The Gift and Ecodus: Gods And Kings. Branden is a science teacher at a his local high school but he also has a second job, because one of his daughter has a heart condition and he could lose his house as he had to remortgage it to help pay the medical bills. But they are behind on the bills so he decides to go back to what he knows best, witch is fighting, he gets a few car park matches and wins big but the school finds out and suspends him with no pay, which means he needs to get more fights and thats when he hears about Sparta. So he goes to his old friends gym and gets him to train him and gets entered in to Sparta.

Ok so this film was awesome, so freaking good; and surprisingly emotional for a fighting film, you don't expect it to have a lot of emotion to it as its about people knocking each other out but the whole thing with the brothers made me really connect with it for some reason, and i am still not 100% sure why. So the rating i will be giving this is a 8/10 i will be watching it again and im sure it will grow on me more and i will be recommending it to people i know.


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