Silent Hill

The film I watched today was Silent Hill directed by Christophe Gans who also directed films such as Brotherhood of the wolf witch was also a horror film, and Crying freeman with was also an action thriller horror film.
The writer of this film is Roger Avary witch you may know as the person who co-wrote films such as Pulp fiction and Reservoir dogs.

First of all I thought that the cast was simply perfect for this film with Radha Mitchell as Rose Da Silva who may also know her from films such as Pitch Black  with Vin Diesel and Finding Neverland with Johnny Depp.In this film she plays this brilliant mum that is willing to go to hell and back to save her daughters  life no matter what is standing in her way, and will not back away from a fight to save her own family.

Next you have Jodelle Ferland who plays Roses daughter Sharon and also Alessa but I have to say even tho she plays two people in this film witch can be difficult for any actress/actor but she managed to do an amazing job at such a young age.The way that she played such a sweet young innocent girl as Sharon and then this twisted dark girl as Alessa. If the name doesn't sound familiar you may also know her from her roles in films such as Bree from The Twilight Saga: Eclipse she was also in The Cabin In The Woods where she okays Patience Buckner a cannibal brought back to life as a zombie. Her role in this film was simply breathtaking.

Then you have Sean Bean as Christopher Da Silva as a father and husband who will not stop till he finds his family and knows that they are safe with him and that nothing will happen to them any more cause he doesn't even know what type of hell that they may have been through but he knows that he will never let it happen again. If you cant put a face to the name well you may know him from Lord of the rings and also Game of thrones.

Then you have Laurie Holden who plays Cybil Bennett who plays this bad ass cop who will help the people who needs it and will no stop at absolutely nothing to stand up for what is right. You may also know Laurie Holden for her roles in The Mist, Fantastic four and her latest role in The Walking Dead.

So during the film I was so amazed with the absolutely stunning costume design with the simplicity of Pyramid Heads costume and the fact that he can not see makes there something quite scary to the fact that he doesn't even have to see you to know where you are.
Also personally the nurses freaked me the heck out with the uniform is like what you would see at Halloween or even in costume shops as they look like sexy nurse outfits, but they have this creepy bandaged up faces even with  there faces completely covered they are still attracted to light with can be scary as anything cause they are attracted to the one thing that you need and use this every second of the day and when that is snatched away from you its just amazing to see how people react being pulled out of their comfort zone.Also with Alessas costume it is just so simple but very effective in being very creepy, with the pale white skin almost like porcelain then with jet black hair cobwebe hair it is just what you think of when you say chinese and japanese horror films. Also with this bight blue dress almost like a school uniform  it completly pulls everything together as one.

So the most asked question is " How close os the movie to the game series?" Director  christophe was an avid fan of the game series and was interesed in remaining faithful to the tone and mythology of the games for the fans, but he did admit to how difficult of a task it to stay true to the game.

Honestly I completly love this film and I could see the amazing similarities in the film and the game. If I had to give it an rating I would give it 9/10 cause their is some goofs in it but it was still such an amazing film and I would recomend it to anyone a fan of the game or not.

What do you think about it ? 

The next film i will be watching is .....


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