A Knight's Tale

The film I watched A Knight's Tale witch was directed and written by mister Brian Helgeland you may know him for films such as Robin Hood (2010s) Mystic River and Man On Fire.

So the story line to this film is after William Thatchers master dies and as one of his peasant squire fueled by his desire for food and for glory, he then creates a brand new identity for himself as a knight.

Ok so lets start off with the late mister Heath ledger who plays William Thatcher but you may know him as the joker from The Dark Knight he was also in Broke Back Mountain and 10 Things I Hate About You. So William Thatcher as a boy becomes a apprentic for a knight Sir Ector but one day they find Sir Ector dead in his armor and William  decides to take his place in the jousting as Sir Ector because him and his friends have not eaten for 3 days. so he does what he think is right and trys to change his destiny and his stars.

Next we have Rufus Sewell as Count Adhemar the villain in the film who seems to want to take away everything from William who has worked hard for everything that he has even his love of his life, he even starts arrangements with her father to get married even though he knows she does not love him or even like him. Adhemar seems to see her as a trophy that he could mount over his fire place. During the tournaments he is called away to battle and is rumored to be to be pillaging and commiting the " oldest sins in the newest ways". Adhemar seems to be the type of guy who has to have everything go his own way, its his way or the high ways so t speak.

Now we have miss Shannyn Sossamon who plays Jocelyn but you may know Shannyn from films such as Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, 40 Days and 40 Nights and Wristcutters: A Love Story. So Jocelyn in the love interest so to speak in this film and she does a very well job at it but during this film she doesn't seem to trust anyone even the man that she says she loves and always wants him to prove his love to her by writing her poetry and by loosing all of his matches in the tournament and then by turning everything around and winning them all of his matches. Jocelyn, she always shows her love and it just seems that she dosent know when she is getting it back fully and does know what she want from her love William.

Now we have Mark Addy who plays the extremely lovable Roland but you may know Mark from films such as The Full Monty, The Time Machine and the classic Christmas film Tack Frost. So Roland is this very kind and friendly guy who just wants to go home to his home town  witch is England. But Roland is also one of the most sweetest and kindest guys as well because he would do anything to help out his friends even if he doesn't think it may be the most amazing thing to do but he will always stand by his friends because they are not just friends anymore they are his family. 

Ok so now we have Alan Tudyk who plays Wat but you may know Alan from films like I,Robot, Serenity and most recently Wreck-It Ralph. I have to say though that Alans character Wat is one of the funnest person in this film but that is only my  opinion. Ok so Wat is a guy who is kind of obsessed with food all the way through out this film his obsession never goes away, his obsession goes so far that he even has dreams about food at night. Wat also seems to like to think of himself as the mussel guy in the group as he likes to threaten people with a good "fonging" to anyone who steps out of line in anyway. 

Next we have mister Paul Bettany as Geoffrey Chaucer you may know Paul from films such as Priest, The Da Vinci Code and Wimbledon. so in this film mister Paul Bettany plays the writer Geoffrey Chaucer who also has a bit of a gambling problem and ends up losing all of his cloths twice because he could not pay off his losings, at one point he looses so much that the people he owes threatens to take his payment from his flesh. Besides that he is an amazing writer and he shows that by helping Will out quite a few times and he is one heck of a an announcer.

there is so much more that could be said about this film but i want you to go and experience it for your self so i would recommend this to anyone as its a real feel good film and personally i could watch this film every day so im gonna give  it a 9/10


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