Trick 'r Treat

The film I watched was Trick 'r Treat witch was written and directed by Michael Dougherty who has also wrote films such as Superman Returns, X2 and Urban Legend: Bloody Mary.

So lets have a re-cap on the storyline, there are four interwoven stories that occur on Halloween: an everyday high school principal that has a secret life as a serial killer; a college virgin might have just met the one guy for her;a group of teenagers pull a mean prank; a woman who loathes the night has to contend with her holiday-obsessed husband.

Ok lets start with the cast and mister Dylan Baker as Steve a school principal with a secret second life as a serial killer, you even see him kill one of his student on his frunt porch and drag him in to his backyard and berry him with his other victums while his son is in the house. Witch freaked me the hello out of me, his son billy played by Connor Christoper Levins who looks like this sweet and innocent child who unfortunatly has this messed up dad except intill his dad takes him to carve a jackerlantern witch is a normal thing to do on Halloween but it turns out that it was a human head that they were going to be carving, but what was worse was Billy keeps asking and saying '' dont forget to help me with the eyes'' witch is so creepy as it didnt bother him it was a human head so he must have been doing this from when he was a little child.

Next we have the beautiful Lauren Lee Smith who plays Danielle who is in town only for one night for a big party in the woods, you first see her in a costum shop with her friends trying on princess/ fairy taile costumes on. Danielle her is lauries sister played by Anna Paquin who is dressed as little red riding hood is worried about her first time and it is not the first time that you think. All night she is getting a hard time off of her friends Maria and Janet played by Rochelle Aytes and Moneca Delain because she is 24 and still hasnt been with anyone yet and they even show her how easy it is to pick up guys by hitting on two amra crew guys. All is not what it seems in this film as ever because as it turns out that they are grupe of girls and the girls at the party that they are going to are a pack of wearwolfs on the prowel for fresh meat in the shape of men.

Lets just say that there is a hell of a lot of things going on in this film witch i dont want to spoil for you . so if you like horror films with twists then go and enjoy.
i'd give this a rating of 7/10 as it is a good laugh and a good experance.


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