The film I watched today was Kick-Ass witched was directed by Mattew Vaughn who is know for directing film such as x-men:first class and Stardust.Mattew Vaughn who also co-wrote Kick-Ass with Jane Goldman, you may know her because she also wrote the film The woman in black.
So lets have a quick re-cap of the story line, Dave Lizewski is an unnoticed high school student and an avid comic book fan with a few friends, he also lives alone with his father as his mother died of an aneurysm. His life is not very difficult and his personal trials are not that overwhelming. However one day he makes the simple but life changing decision to become a superhero even though he has no super powers or even any training.

Right so lets start off with the amazingly tainted cast that they have, first of all lets start with Aaron Taylor-Johnson who plays Dave Lizewski and the superhero Kick-Ass just a normal teenage boy who is wanting to do something extraordinary with his life by becoming a super hero. So he gets the money and buys his super hero costume off of the Internet a green and yellow wet-suite, mask and becomes Kick-Ass, even with a rough start where he gets so badly beat up that he had to have a lot of intense surgery. Even after all of that he still wouldn't give up on his dream of becoming a superhero. Witch makes him so accessible to people with the fight and drive that he has within himself.
Next we have Christopher Mintz who plays Chris D'Amico and the superhero Red Mist. Now in the beginning of the film I thought that Chris was just this spoilt kid with no friends cause he has an over protective parents, witch is kinda true but he is also just a son who wants his fathers approval and attention witch he will go to any lengths for what he wants no matter what it takes. Even when he finds out what his father is he still want to be a part of the family business and still wants to take it all over some day when his dad steps down.
Speaking of fathers next we have mister Mark Strong who plays Frank D'Amico who is this over protective dad and for a very good reason too because he is a big time drug dealer who at first did not want his son involved with business in anyway, in till his men start losing his product and they start being killed off by who he think is kick ass. Frank believes this so much that he ends up killing a kids entertainer in the middle of the street but little does he know it is no the real Kick Ass.

i have watched a lot of films but non of them has had such a fitting and very enjoyable soundtrack to it. Also I've not seen a film pull off a first person shooter perspective so well before, it felt like was you and you were being drawn into it and it was just very enjoyable.
some of the most asked questions are,what does big daddy say to hit girl?During the rescue scene big daddy shouts '' Take cover child. now switch to kryptonite now go to Robins revenge''.
Also what is '' Robins Revenge''? well this is a reference to the batman comics, in one issue Robin fights a blind villain whose sense of hearing is so strong that he can fight with out a problem. Robin uses a whistle to trick the villain so that he can sneak up behind him.
so I really enjoyed this film I'd give it an 8/10 cause it wasnt perfect but it was still an awesome film.
The next film I'll be watching is.........
some of the most asked questions are,what does big daddy say to hit girl?During the rescue scene big daddy shouts '' Take cover child. now switch to kryptonite now go to Robins revenge''.
Also what is '' Robins Revenge''? well this is a reference to the batman comics, in one issue Robin fights a blind villain whose sense of hearing is so strong that he can fight with out a problem. Robin uses a whistle to trick the villain so that he can sneak up behind him.
so I really enjoyed this film I'd give it an 8/10 cause it wasnt perfect but it was still an awesome film.
The next film I'll be watching is.........
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