
Ok so the film i watched was Disneys Tangled witch was directed by Nathan Greno who you may know from films like Meet The Robinsons, Brother Bear and Tangled Ever After. This was also directed by Byron Howard who you may know him from films like Bolt and Lilo & Stitch.The writer of this film is Dan Fogelman who is known for films like Crazy,stupid,love and Cars.

Ok so lets have a re-cap of the story line, the magically long-haired Rapunzel who has spent her entire life in a tower, but now a runaway thief has stumbled upon her by accident, she is about to discover the world for the first time in her life and who she really is.

So we have the Lovely Mandy Moor is the voice of Repunzel but you may know her from films such as A Walk To Remember  Saved and The Princess Diaries. Ok so Rapunzel has had a hard beginning to life as she was taken from her parents as a baby and she dosnt even know that she was taken from her real mother and father. She has been brought up by this woman claiming to be her mother but she has no relation to her in any way what so ever, because she has been stolen she is not allowed to ever leave the tower that she lives in. Even though that is all she wants to do most in life is to leave and start living her own life her own way.

Now we have miss Donna Murphy who plays Mother Gothel but you may know Donna Murphy from films like Spider man 2, The Borne Legacy and The fountain. So Mother Gothel is this woman who is older then what then anyone thinks and she never wants to get older and she will do to any lengths to stay young forever. She even steals a child with magical healing hair and raises her as her own so that she can stay young forever and tells her that is she gose outside that people will want to cut her hair so that the magical healing quality are taking away from her.

Ok now last but no means least we have Zachary Levi who plays Flynn Rider but you may know Zachary Levi from Chuck, Less Than Perfect and Remember Sunday.So Flynn Rider is this orphan boy who as a child was obsessed with a book called the tail of Flynnagin Rider as it was an escape for him as a child and it showed him that he could do anything with his life if he put his mind to it. He stumbles across this tower as he is fleeing the police and finds this girl who knocks him out with a frying pan and ties him up with her hair and she bribes him in to taking her to town to see the floating lights. witch he does but not fully willingly but his mind changes during the trip.

So my thoughts of this film is i love anything too do with Disney honestly I think its an awesome way to spend a night cuddled up in bed watching a film and this one is no exception as its just a lovely feel good story. so i would give this film a 7/10 as its not one of the best disney films but its still an amazing story.


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