Silent Hill: Revelation

The film I have been watching is the sequel to silent hill, silent hill revelation.the story line to this film is Heather Mason and her father have been on the run, always keeping one step ahead of dangerous forces that she doesn't fully understand yet, Now on the eve of her 18th birthday, plagued by horrific nightmares and the disappearance of her father, Heather discovers she's not who she thinks she is. The revelation leads her deeper into a demonic world that threatens to trap her forever.Silent hill revelation was written and directed by Mr Michael J. Bassett but you may also know him from his work on Solomon Kane, Deathwatch and the Wilderness, he has a little help writing this film he has the help from the lovely Laurent Hadida.

Ok so lets start on the cast of silent hill revelation and our leading lady miss
Adelaide Clemens, who plays Heather/Alessa, but Adelaide Clemns she is also known for her work on the great gatsby, x-men origins: wolverine and no one lives.
Heather is a 17 year old girl on the cusp of turning 18 and all she knows is being on the run and the nightmares that haunt her dreams and now they are slowly leaking into her reality. In the morning of her fist day of school like any normal dad would do he makes her breakfast and tells her to have a good first day and gives her an early birthday gift witch is a white body warmer witch she knows from one of her nightmares. As she is walking to get the bus to her new school she bumps into a man who thinks that he knows her but she has never seen this man before.As she is starting a new year in school and in a different school yet again she meets a guy in her class who is just starting out in the school as well, she dosesnt really want to get close to anyone there as she thinks that she won be there long enough but after her father disaperaing he is the closest thing to a friend that she has got and needs him to help her to try and find her father.

So lets talk about Heather's father harry or should we say the always talented Mr.Sean Bean who plays harry heather's dad, he is also known for being in the

Lord Of The Rings films, also being in Game Of Thrones and being in Goldeneye. Harry has kept a lot from his daughter, the truth behind what happened to her as a child and why she cant remember anything about her child hood and and now hes keeping her safe from everyone in silent hill and the police as he got them in to some trouble and that's what he tells her for them being on the run. When heather is at school he gets kidnapped and is taken to silent hill even though her whole life he has told her not to go there and never to even think about it she goes there anyway to try and find him and safe him but he doesn't know shes there in till its too late.

Heather needed help to get to her father so she had only one person to turn to and that was Vincent who is played by Kit Harington he is also known for being

in game of thrones, Pompeii and how to train your dragon 2. Vincent is one of the new kinds in school starting on the same day as heather and he seems to have a good interest in someone who he had only really seen in a couple of classes, later on that evening he sees her again coming out of the mall and asks her about a accident that had happened in the mall, he notices that she is freezing cold and gives her his coat and takes her home after she goes home he hears her screaming and rushes in and helps her. He never stops helping her even after he tells her he is part of the order as he is the son of the leader of the order.

Ok so for any film that is based on a game its hard to get the details right and when I was little some of my first memories is sitting with my mum as she plays the games and being scared of them and then as an adult I still find myself scared of things in this film, like the oh so creepy nurses that still make me jump every time that I see them.

Some trivia that i found out about this film is that Kit Harington admitted trying to play the Silent Hill games for research but quit because they were too scary for him. Also all the monsters in the film, with the exception of the Mannequin Spider, were practical effects done on set, although some minor CGI elements were used on some creatures. I do love this film and yes it has its faults but i do love it, its like them B horror films that you know are rubbish but you will watch them anyway so I am going to give this a score of 6/10 for the film but if it was just cause of the memories that i have from my childhood it would be a 10/10.


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Silent Hill