So lets have a quick summary of Mama, so the senior partner of an investment brokerage, Jeffrey Desange, has a breakdown due to the financial collapse and kills several of his co-workers and his estranged wife, he then kidnaps his two young daughters, Victoria 3 year olds and Lilly who is just 1 years old. Jeffrey then drives his car recklessly through a winding snow covered road in the country, he loses control of his car and drives off an embankment and straight into a tree. As they wander through the forest he finds an abandoned and isolated cabin where he has a breakdown and plans to kill his daughters, but the children are saved by a dark ghostly image. After five years of searching and depleting his savings, Jeffrey's twin brother, Lucas, finds the children that were raised without any social interaction and claim that they have been raised by 'Mama'. Lucas disputes for the custody of the children with their Great Aunt but Dr. Dreyfuss, who is working with the girls, helps Lucas get custody of the girls so that he can still have access to them so that he can write a paper on the children. Lucas, his girlfriend Annabel, Victoria and Lilly move into a house provided by the institute that Dr. Dreyfuss works for. Lucas and Annabel soon find out that the girls have brought Mama with them from the woods and now their lives are in grave danger.
So lets talk about the cast and lets start off with the uncle hero and also the crazy dad who is played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau who plays Lucas/Jeffrey but
you may know Nikolaj from Oblivion and The Other Woman but he is most likely most know from him role in The Game Of Thrones as Jamie Lannister. Ok so we will focus on the uncle who has been looking for his nieces for 5 years and has spent almost all of his money in the process, but when he finally finds the he couldn't be happier but that may be short lived because after hes been searching for them non- stop for 5 years the girls great aunt wants to take the girls off of him when he has only gotten them back. but he fights for the girls and wins them in the court cases and moves into a new house so that they have more space for them all. One night as hes in bed with his girlfriend when she sees something or someone in the house and freaks out so he goes out and looks around the house to see whats going on and to protect his family, but he gets attacked but some ghostly figure and gets knocked down the stairs and gets put into a coma but its only temporary but in the mean time his girlfriend Annabelle has to look after the girls all on her own.
Witch has given me a nice way to transition onto his girlfriend Annable who is played by Jessica Chastain you may know from her work in the Help, Zero dark
thirty and the tree of life. Annabel is this rocker chick in a band who is a very free spirited and she has always been very supportive of her boyfriend trying to find his family but the whole time she is just rucking out in with her band playing bass in her band, but when her boyfriend gets into and accident she has to look after these two little girls who she has only known for a few days but she trys and bonds with the girls but only Victoria wants to try and get back to normal and back to reality.As Annabel is looking after the girls she grows a bond with the girls and wants to make sure that she dose everything in her power to make sure that they are safe away from 'mama' who ever she is.
Last but no means least we have the two girls Lilly and Victoria who are played by Megan Charpenire and Isabelle Nelissa who have been in films like Resident evil and red ridding hood and whitewash. Lilly and Victoria has been through a lot at a very young age, there father has killed several people including their mothers and they have been left on there own for 5 years to raise themselves with no help from anyone apart from a ghostly person who they have called mama, but she has been the only person who has been there looking after them and protecting them from anyone and anything, in till these two men who there uncle has hired find them alone in the cabin with thousands of cherry pips laying around the place as that's the only thing they have been eating for 5 years. When they get taken in by the men to the hospital the doctors and therapists are worried how they are going to be able to adapt to a social environment as they were taken out of it at such a young age and it can cause some sociological damage. When they are allowed to go home with there uncle and his girlfriend they only really
just about trust there uncle and are still a little unsure about his girlfriend. But even tho they are at home they still need to see there therapist on regular basses to that they can be monitored but after there uncle goes into hospital they seem to be making some really good process but they still seemed to be scared of something as if mama has come with them the whole way back.
So this film is actually quite good me and my friend really enjoyed it but by then end we were shouting at my tv saying "just take that bloody girl shes just trouble" it was really funny and we really enjoyed it but I wish that they had explained things a bit better but I did really enjoy the whole experience of the film. So for the film itself id give it a 2.5/5 but the whole experience id give it 5/5 but that's cause I had a friend over and we just had a amazing laugh at it.
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