
So the film I watched this time was Zombieland which was written by Rhett Reese who you might know for working on G.I.Joe Retaliation and oddly enough Disney's Dinosaurs and Monster Inc but Paul Warnick also helped write this film but also worked Rhett on G.I.Joe Retaliation but this film was directed but Ruben Fleischer who you may know their work from Gangster Squad, 30 minutes or less and Rod and Big.
So let’s have a bit of a recap of the plot shall we. Searching for his family, in the early twenty-first century, zombies have taken over America. A shy and inexperienced college student in Texas has survived by following his 30 rules that he has made up to make sure that he can keep himself alive for example there's "always check the look in the back seat," "double-tap," and "avoid public restrooms." He decides to travel to Ohio to see if his parents are still alive. When he gets a ride with a boisterous zombie-hating good-old boy headed for Florida, and soon they confront a young woman whose sister has been bitten by a zombie and wants to be put out of her misery, or so they think anyway. The sisters were headed to an LA amusement park they've heard is zombie free.

Ok so let’s start with the college student Columbus who is played by Jesses Eisenberg who you may know from his parks in The Social Network, now you see me and adventureland. So Columbus is this typical nerdy student who just wants to go home and see his parents and to make sure that they are ok, but on his way he has adapted these rules that has saved his life on a few occasions like when he gets into a car “always check the back seat” and “always wear a seatbelt “ ( which everyone does anyway, well they should anyway) and when he needs to go to the bathroom to “avoid public restrooms” but if that is this only thing available to use a cubical and to check the whole restroom before using anything. But on his long trip to go and find his parents he bumps into someone who you may say he wouldn't normally hang around with.

Which leads me onto Tallahassee who is played by Mister Woody Harrelson who you may knowfrom The Hunger Games saga, 2012 and No Country For Old Men. So Tallahassee is this manly mans man and rough and tough around the edges and when he picks up and takes Columbus with him, he seems to be searching for just one thing the last twinkie left in America( but why would you want one). He stops at every truck that he knows use to transport them and stops at every shop that he can find on his way to Florida witch could take some time but that doesn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. It just seems like he is trying to fill something that is missing in himself but the only thing that he think can fill that is a small cake snack.

So next up we have the sneaky sister and we will be starting with the oldest Wichita who is played by Emma stone who you may know from her roles in the amazing spider man, easy a and the birdman. 
Ok so Wichita is the strong willed fighter trying to keep her sister alive no matter what she just wants to make sure that her sister is alive and safe and also having fun that seems to be why she is so determined to make sure that her and her sister will make it to the amusement park where her and her sister used to go to on holiday when they were little so that they can both have some fun and bring back that child hood for her little sister so she can still have fun even though they are in a zombie filled land.

Ok so last but no means least we have the youngest member of the cast Abigail Breslin who you may know from Little Miss Sunshine, Rango and the
Signs. Little Rock has had to put up with a lot with her being so young every day she is fighting for her life and to make sure that her sister is also safe and that will do anything to protect each other.

Ok so let’s wrap this thing up, this film is so good its comedy horror zombie rom-com this film. It’s made its own genre but it has so may high and low points its gonna be one of those films that your either gonna love it or your gonna hate it but it had me laughing my head off in parts. So I’m going to give this film a 7/10 also i noticed during this film all of people are named after named after states of america . It was a laugh but there were some parts that let it down but it’s one of them films that you just want sit with your friends with a pizza and have a laugh.


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