
The very strange movie I watched this time was Airheads witch was directed by Michael Lehmann who would may know from his work on the Heathers and 40 days and 40 nights. I was quite suppressing who wrote this to be honest as it was wrote by Rich Wilkes who i know from his work on xXx and xXx: State Of The Union so it was suppressing to see him do something like this. 

Ok so lets have a quick re-cap of the story line and as always i try not to give away spoilers but if i do I am sorry; so Chazz, Rey and Pip are in the new and up coming band The Lone Rangers who are trying to get there demo played on the radio for the first time. Chaz does everything he can to get into record company to get someone anyone to listen to their new demo, when one day they decide that they are going to brake into a radio station to get their demo played on the air, when they end up in a hostage situation where they are the ones are holding everyone in the station hostage, with water guns.

Ok so where to start, lets start with the singer of the band Chazz  who is played by Brendan Fraser who you may know for being in The mummy 1,2 and 3. Ok so Chazz has one goal in life and that is to get famous, but for his talent not for anything else, he has no job so all he does all day is watch music videos, ride on his bike and sneaks into record agencies to try and get someone to just listen to their demo. All he wants is someone to give him a brake as he knows how hard it is to get anywhere in this businesses because everyone is just looking out for themselves and where thy can make their next buck. Which he hates because it means that the little guys who have talent and who work their fingers to the bone get zero recognition for what they have done.

so lets go onto the basest of the band Rey who is played by Steve Busceni who you may know from
Fargo and from Reservoir Dogs. Rey is the basest inn the band and he also works in  toy shop so he has a massive collection of toys, old toys and toys that have been taken out of sale because they are too realistic and too dangerous. When hes at work Chazz comes and tells him that his girlfriend has kicked him out again, so he brings everyone back to his place witch is full of his toys, teddies, action figures and water guns; these water guns witch he never fills with water, he fills it with hot pepper sauce.

Last but no means least is the drummer of the band Pip who is played by Adam Sandler who you may
know from his work on The Wedding Singer and 50 First Dates( witch i have written a review on). before). So Pip is the drummer of the band but he is also a pool cleaner and for his job he has to have a van to lug around all of his chemicals and equipment not just for work but also the bands equipment. Everyone who meets Pip thinks hes a little slow as it takes him some time to realize whats happening around him, but that seems to bring all the girls his way as he can get any girl he wants and no one knows how.

Ok this was one of the oddest films I have ever watched, and I can safely say that I never thought I would see a film with Adam Sandler,Steve Busceni and Brendan Fraser where they are in a rock band and hold up a radio station. It was completely wacky and completely fun me and my friends where laughing from beginning to end; and for that i am giving it a 7/10 I will defo watch this again but oh my goodness was it a strange film.


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