Would You Rather

The film I watched this week is Would You Rather, witch I'm sure that everyone has played in way or anther but I'm sure never like this. David Guy Levy directed this film but you may know him from his work on Terri and A Love Affair Of Sorts, and was written by Steffen Schlachtenhaufen who you may know from their work on the Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl film.

Ok so lets have a quick re cap of the story, and I will try to keep spoilers out as always. Iris is desperate to help her sick brother, after their parents where is a accident that put her in charge of the house hold, income and all; but she has no job and has no skills and it trying to cut corners where she can with the food but mainly the medical bills. When her doctor tells her of an opportunity that could turn her whole life on its head. When she unknowingly agree to compete in a extremely deadly game of 'would you rather' or the pleasure of a extremely sadistic family called the Lambricks.

So lets talk about the cast and we arent going to talk about Iris first but we are going to talk about the
person who tells her about the game Dr Branden who is played by Lawrence Gilliard Jr who you may know from his work on the Water Boy or from his work on The walking Dead. Dr Branden is Iris brother doctor and he is trying to help as much as he can as he knows the family past; and he knows from experience how hard life can be so when the Lambricks come to him to see if he know of anyone he can help he automatically thinks of her.

So lets talk about the Lambricks shall we and head of the Lambricks family Shepard Lambrick who is
played by Jeffrey Combs who you may know from his work on Re-Animator and The Frighteners. Shepard Lambrick is the head of the Lambrick family and also the head of the Lambrick foundation witch is charity that helps family's and helps build schools from country who don't have enough money to do so themselves. But the family have a dark past and Shepard seems to be quite sadistic him self.

And last but no means last we have Iris who is played Brittany Snow who you may know from her
work in Pitch Perfect and John Tucker Must Die. Iris is a ex college student who has had to come back to her home town because her mother and father had both died and she is now taking care of her sick brother who has cancer and needs a bone marrow transplant; but with no skills no money she is finding it hard to keep up with all of the medical bills and the house hold bills and has to sell the house that they are living in to keep everything a float. When one day she gets a call off of her doctor to go see him as he may have found a way to help her out with the medical bills.

So I really like this film I think the concept is amazing in its simplicity because I think everyone knows the game Would You Rather and has played it in one form or another, I know me and my friends play it all the time. So with that you get the premise of the film but it changes from being a hypothetical thing to you have to do this right now or you will be killed but your chose could kill you or it could kill someone else. Watching this film makes me feel really uncomfortable witch is a good thing and I know that sounds strange but it really is a good thing a lot of films now a day horror films in general and so far out being a realitly that you cant really connect with them but this you can. witch I like. so for that I would give this film a 8/10 i will be showing this film to my friends cause i know they will enjoy it and I will be watching it again.


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