
Showing posts from September, 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road

So thew film I watched this time is Mad Max: Fury Road, witch was directed and he also helped write Man Max: Fury Road mister George Miller but George also worked on Mad Max and Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. Brendan McCarthy also helped write this film who you may know from his work on Coneheads and Lost In Space. there was also some else who also write this film, that person is Nick Lathouris who worked on Mad Max and Death In Brunswick.  Ok so lets have a quick re-cap of the film before talking about the cast. In a post apocalyptic Australia, a woman called Imperator Furiosa decides to rebel against a tyrannical ruler who has many wives locked away and only used for breeding as her sees them as his property and the children they are carrying the same. So Imperator Furiosa decides to help them get away from this monster and smuggles them out in her war machine to take them back to her home land, but as she is trying to get away she ends up starting a war,  but on her ...

Paper Towns

So the film I went to see this time is John Greens new film Paper Towns, the director of paper towns is Jake Schreier  who you may know from his work on Robot & Frank. John Green helps write the film he always gives comments but the main writers of the film is Scott Neustater and Michael H.Water who have both worked on The Fault In Our Stars and 500 Days Of Summer. Ok lets have a quick re-cap of the story, shall we. Margo and Quentin were best friends children and were bonded over seeing something traumatic that no one should see let alone a child.  but as Margo got obsessed with mysteries, the more that they grew apart. It's now their senior year and Margos friends and up betraying her in a way that she thought that they would never do, so she decides that she wants to get her revenge by  enlisting her first partner in crime she ever had in Florida. Ok so lets talk about the cast, and as always ladies first so Margo is played by miss Cara Delevingne and ...


So the film i watched this time is Dreamworks Home witch was directed by Tom Johnson who has work on other animated films such as Over The Headge, Antz and Simbad :Legends Of The Seven Seas, it is was also written by Tom J.Astle  and Matt Ember who is known for Get Smart, Epic and Failure To Launch. Ok so lets have a quick re-cap of the film, Oh is a lovable Alien and his race is called the Boov and the Boov aren't very good at much but they are extremely good at running away and hiding from their enemy called the Gorg. One day as they trying to find somewhere to hide from the Grog they come a cross a planet called Earth, which have all these amazing foods and places to live. Unfortunately it is already inhabited by humans so the Boov relocate all of the humans. Well all but one little girl called Tip who just wants to find her mother and be with her but shes gonna need a little help from a very unlikely friend. Ok so lets start talking about cast and lets start with o...


Ok so the film I went and saw this time is marvels new addition Ant-Man, Ant-Man was directed by Pexton Reed who you may know from his work on Yes Man, The Break Up and Bring It On. Ant-Man was written by a group of men but also the main actor Paul Rudd but we will talk about him a little bit later so lets go onto Edger Wright who was a part of the group who wrote Ant-man but you may know from his work on Shaun Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz and Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. He worked on this along with Joe Cornish who you might know for his work on Attack The block, Hot Fuzz and The Adventures Of Tintin, and last but no means we have Adam McKay who you might know from his work on Step Brothers and Anchorman 1 and 2. Ok so lets have a little bit of a re-cap to this film, an yes I know its new out so I will try and not give away too many spoilers if any. Scott Lang is a burglar who has just been relisted from prison and wants to have a better life for himself but also his daughter as he h...


Ok so the film I watched this time was The Minions movie, witch was written by Brian Lynch who also worked on Puss In Boots and Hop. Minions was also directed by Kyle Balda who worked on The Lorax and Monsters Inc, he wrote this along with Pierre Coffin who also worked on Despicable me 1 and 2 but Pierre also is the person who also voices all of the minions in the films. So lets have a little bit of a re-cap hopefully i don't spoil anything about this film seeing as this is a brand new film out, so for thousands if not millions of years minions have always served the most despicable of masters. when one day they loose their master and have to live in a ice cave in the Arctic. When one day a few of the minions notice that they have no real purpose in life anymore and that is why they have gotten so depressed. One lonely minion decides that he id going to get a group together to see if they can find a new master to serve.  Ok so lets talk about the cast, and to be honest...