
So the film i watched this time is Dreamworks Home witch was directed by Tom Johnson who has work on other animated films such as Over The Headge, Antz and Simbad :Legends Of The Seven Seas, it is was also written by Tom J.Astle  and Matt Ember who is known for Get Smart, Epic and Failure To Launch.

Ok so lets have a quick re-cap of the film, Oh is a lovable Alien and his race is called the Boov and the Boov aren't very good at much but they are extremely good at running away and hiding from their enemy called the Gorg. One day as they trying to find somewhere to hide from the Grog they come a cross a planet called Earth, which have all these amazing foods and places to live. Unfortunately it is already inhabited by humans so the Boov relocate all of the humans. Well all but one little girl called Tip who just wants to find her mother and be with her but shes gonna need a little help from a very unlikely friend.

Ok so lets start talking about cast and lets start with our beloved little alien Oh who is played by Jim Parsons who you may know from The Big Bang Theory, Garden State and Elf: Buddy's Musical
Christmas. Oh is a very clumsy little guy but he does means well when one day he is holding a house warming party and he accidentally sends his location to everyone in his contacts list, which also includes the Gorg. For that the rest of his kind want to exiled him but he goes on the run and hides out from them i mean that what the Boov do the best but on his way he makes a new friend.

Which leads me onto Miss Gratuity 'Tip' Tucci who is played by the beautiful Rihanna who hasn't
done much acting in the past but she was in the film Battle Ships. Tip is a little girl who lives with her mother when the Boov invade they relocate all of the humans but when they scan Tip to see if she is human they accidentally scan the cat she is holding onto instead of her and don't take her as the scanner says she is not human. But that means that her and her mother get separated and she is all on her own, and all she want to do it find her mother and be with her.

Speaking of Tips mum her name is Lucy and she is played Jennifer Lopez who you may know from her singing or from her acting in Monster In Law, Ice age Continental drift and Wedding Planner. We
 dont see a lot of Lucy in the film but what we do see of her is that she is doing everything that she can to find her daughter. Also along with Rihanna in this film Jennifer Lopez sang a lot of the song for the sound track.

Last but no means we have Captain Smeck who is played by Mr Steve Martin who you may know
from films such as cheaper by the dozen 1 and 2,loony tunes back in action and father of the bride. Captain Smeck is the commander of the Boovs, hes the one that tells them where they gonna be living next and when they are gonna take over. Captain Smeck is also the reason why the Gorg are after them.

Ok so my thoughts on the film is that I loved this film but that's because i am quite a big fan of The Big Bang Theory and with that Jim Parsons, but saying that i still really enjoyed this film. Its a good family film witch everyone could enjoy so for that reason i would give it a 8/10. 
Please leave your thoughts and opinions on the film in the comments and please leave some suggestions of films that you would like me to check out as well.


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