
Ok so the film I watched this time was The Minions movie, witch was written by Brian Lynch who also worked on Puss In Boots and Hop. Minions was also directed by Kyle Balda who worked on The Lorax and Monsters Inc, he wrote this along with Pierre Coffin who also worked on Despicable me 1 and 2 but Pierre also is the person who also voices all of the minions in the films.

So lets have a little bit of a re-cap hopefully i don't spoil anything about this film seeing as this is a brand new film out, so for thousands if not millions of years minions have always served the most despicable of masters. when one day they loose their master and have to live in a ice cave in the Arctic. When one day a few of the minions notice that they have no real purpose in life anymore and that is why they have gotten so depressed. One lonely minion decides that he id going to get a group together to see if they can find a new master to serve. 

Ok so lets talk about the cast, and to be honest there isn't many people to talk about as the director Pierre Coffin voices all 800+ minions in the film so lets talk about the two new additions to the film Scarlet Overkill and Herb Overkill, so lets start off with the woman in the relationship Miss Scarlet
Overkill who is voiced by someone who I wouldn't of thought of, Miss Sandra Bullock who has been in a lot of films but you might know her from Miss Congeniality 1&2.  Sandra Overkill is the best in the business, the minions find scarlet at a convention with all of the worlds villain and get to work with her and her husband and help them try and take over the world. Scarlet and her husband Herb Overkill who is played by Jon Hamm who you may know from his work on Shreck Forever
After and Million Dollar Arm. Scarlet and Herb live in this massive house and they could ever want that have one thing left that they want to do, want to rule England.

Ok so my thoughts on this film that this is definitely a kids movie, I love the despicable me films and I could watch them all day every day, but minions is more of a kids film, its tailored to kids more then adults and for that I am going to give it a 2.5/10. It was watchable and the only reason I would buy it would be because I have the other films and it could complete my collection but that's the only reason.Please leave your thoughts and opinions on the film in the comments and please leave some suggestions of films that you would like me to check out as well.


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