Paper Towns

So the film I went to see this time is John Greens new film Paper Towns, the director of paper towns is Jake Schreier  who you may know from his work on Robot & Frank. John Green helps write the film he always gives comments but the main writers of the film is Scott Neustater and Michael H.Water who have both worked on The Fault In Our Stars and 500 Days Of Summer.

Ok lets have a quick re-cap of the story, shall we. Margo and Quentin were best friends children and were bonded over seeing something traumatic that no one should see let alone a child.  but as Margo got obsessed with mysteries, the more that they grew apart. It's now their senior year and Margos friends and up betraying her in a way that she thought that they would never do, so she decides that she wants to get her revenge by  enlisting her first partner in crime she ever had in Florida.

Ok so lets talk about the cast, and as always ladies first so Margo is played by miss Cara Delevingne and if you don't recognize her from her ad campaigns and runway shows you may know her from a
film called Anna Karenina. Margo as a child moves to Florida with her family and the first person she meets is a boy who is about the same age as her called Quentin and they instantly hit it off and became inseparable, they went to same school always out playing with each other and even sometimes she would sneak out into his room at night. After Margo and Quentin saw the "thing" (i don't want to say cause it could spoil things for you) she started to run away but she would always leave clues for her little sister to make sure that she knew that she was safe and fine and would be back soon. But Margo had decided that she would be going away but for a lot longer this time.

Witch leads us onto her partner in crime Quentin who is played by Nat Wolff who you may know from Palo Alto, Stuck In Love and from John Greens first movie The Fault In Our Stars. Quentin is a born
Floridian who has moved to a new development area when he see this new family moving in across the street from them, what he notices most is that they have a daughter his age, for Quentin its love at first sight, he would do anything for her to impress her. As children they are as close as anyone can be but something happens an d he starts to notice that Margo has become obsessed with mysteries, that she ends up becoming one herself. Its their senior year in high school and he is given there parents mini-van as a graduation gift, when one night hes in bed and he hears a noise and wakes up and sees Margo coming in through his window. Startled in his bed he gets up and dressed to help out his oldest friend prank her "so called friends" who betrayed her in one of the worst ways possible.  Even though he thinks its a really bad idea, it ends up being the best night of his life.

Ok so I am a big John Green film and I love the fact that he on set with every film of his through out the whole filming processes because he kind of sees his films as his babies and he wont have anyone turn one of his stories into something that he wouldn't be proud of to show anyone in the world. with him being a you-tuber first it shows his commitment to the film industry. But this film was amazing and I liked the fact if you are a fan of the John Green books or the films he had a surprises for his fans in the film, but saying that it was diffidently a "girly" film but it was so enjoyable to watch so for that I will be giving it a 9/10 only because I think it should of been a little longer to add some more the sortie into the film and I can say for a fact that I never thought that i would ever say that about a film that I wanted it to be longer cause i normally cant stand films that go on for hours and hours.


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