50 First Dates

So the film I watched this time is 50 First Dates witch was directed by Peter Segal who you may know from his work on Get Smart, Anger Management and The Longest Yard. 50 First Dates was also written by George Wig who hasn't done a lot of work in the past but has worked on Outsourced.

Ok so lets have a quick re-cap of the film Henry Roth is the man you go to if you want a holiday romance to remember,when one day he is out on a test sail on his boat and it brakes down so he takes his dingy to the mainland were there is a cafe where he sits to wait for the cost grad to come and bring is boat into dock, that's where he meets the girl of his dreams Lucy. The only problem is the fact that she wont remember who he is tomorrow.

So lets start off with the man of the hour mister Henry Roth played by Adam Sandler who you may know from his work on Grown Ups, Big Daddy and Happy Gilmore. Henry Roth is a marine
biologist working in a sea life world in Hawaii, but he wants to go on a year long trip to study manatees under the water. As he is preparing his boat it ends up braking down just off of the cost, so he takes his life boat to the mainland where he calls the coastguard to come and tow his boat back to the dock so he can repair it, while he is waiting for them to come and get his boat he takes shelter out of the rain in a little cafe where he see the most beautiful person he has ever seen and he does everything he can to make sure that he has breakfast with her.

Witch leads us onto the lovely lady miss Lucy Whitmore you may know her from her work on Donnie Darko, Scream and Charlies Angels. Lucy is just your typical girl, has a normal job (art teacher) has birthday traditions with the family even has a normal routine work during the week and
then on the weekend spending it with family and going for breakfast every Sunday. Until one day coming back with her dad they get into a bad accident, her father was fine really got off with a few scrapes and broken bones but for Lucy she wasn't as lucky, she ended up with brain damage and all of her long term memories are fine but her short term is a different story, she can no longer develop any new memories so everything day she forgets who Henry Roth is to her.

So this film is one of my favorite films its funny and sweet and one that i could watch again and again and again, sometimes i even just have it on in the back group and just listen to it while i am doing something.This is also just a typical Adam Sandler film as it has people in the film that he has worked with before such as Rob Schneider, but even with that i am going to be giving this a rating of 8/10.its not perfect but its definitely a favorite of mine. Please leave your thoughts and opinions on the film in the comments and please leave some suggestions of films that you would like me to check out as well.


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