Child 44

So the film I watched this week was child 44, which was directed by Daniel Espinosa who you may know from his work on Safe House and Easy Money. Child 44 was written by Richard Price who you may know from Clockers, Ransom and The Color Of Money.

Ok so lets have a quick re-cap of the story line shall we, set in the Stalin ear of the Soviet union. Leo Demida is a security officer who has stumbled a-pone a series of child murders in a country where supposedly this sort of crime doesn't exist because " there is no murder in paradise". The state would not even concider or hear of a thing like a child murder let a lone a serial killer who only goes after children. Leo gets demoted and exiled for not turning in his own wife as a spy, he decides with just the help of his wife and his her general he would continue to purse the case.

ok so lets talk about the main due-o in this film Leo and Raisa so let start off with our leading man shall we, Leo Demida is played by Tom Hardy who you may know from a  previous review that I've
done on mad max fury road, he is also in the dark knight rises. Leo is apart of the red army in Russia during Stalin reign. As time goes on he stays part of the army as a security agent in Moscow they are the people who would try to find the spy who are getting information for Moscow to other enemy countries to help aid them in taking out Stalin. Leo is the best of the best when they get the  most difficult cases in, he is the one that they go to, because they know they will get the best results from him and his team even if that means that his own team mates hate him for that, that's what it means to be in charge. Even after a long day at the office all he wants to do is go home to his loving wife and spend time with her and there friends, having a laugh and just enjoy being with each other. Or so he thinks.

Ok so next we have his lovely wife Raisa Demidov who is played by Noomi Rapace who you may know from her work on Prometheus, The Drop and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.
 Raisa is a school teacher in a primary school in Moscow. Raisa met Leo on her way home on the train but she didnt really like the look of him, so she gave him a false name as she thought that she would never see him again, but she did and she went out with him and eventually married him but she was never really happy being with him as they never really knew each other as he is hardly there with work and she was quite scared of him to be honest.

Ok I don't want to get into it much more as I don't want to give too much of the story away as I want you to go and watch the film for yourself. But it was a really good film, this film inst my normal go to films like i would never just sit down and watch a film about Russia during Stalin rain. but i have to say i was happily surprised and for that im gonna give it a 7/10.


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