I Need Your Help

Hey everyone i know this isn’t what i normally post but i was wondering if you could help me. my mother and her friend is doing a charity sky dive for CLIC Sargent, CLIC Sargent is a charity for children that has cancer they help with the treatment of the children and also they keep the family’s together whilst the child is going through treatment, because they know that this is going to be the scariest time for the child and they need all of the support that they can get off of their familys. so please if you cant donate can you please reblog or share this is everyone that you can.  https://www.justgiving.com/ALidlJump4Charity/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=ALidlJump4Charity&utm_campaign=pfp-share
 I will be getting back to my normal posts tomorrow so please dont worry.


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